Humor, politics, Uncategorized

Some Thoughts on The Presidential Election of ’16

Why Donald Trump is the Heifetz of our time.


“He holds the Bible high and then he goes down, he puts the Bible down, and then he lies.” – Donald Trump on Ted Cruz”


Donald Trump can rhyme. Rap music often employs rhyming. Therefore Donald Trump is a rap musician.  Rap is words spoken to a beat — witness, Iambic Pentameter,  some Shakespeare has background music but, in the real world, that doesn’t make it music —  Hence, Rap is Poetry; therefore Donald Trump is a poet.. This not being Russia, say, where poets are cool — anybody remember Yevtushenko filling Madison Square Garden in the ‘70s? — but  America, where poets are nerds and geeks and only musicians are cool so  Rap is classified as music.   Therefore, Rap is classical music.  and Donald Trump is a classical musician.  Heifetz was a classical musician; therefore, Donald Trump is Heifetz. If you are reading this,  I am wasting not only my time but yours as well; therefore I am wasting our time.  Therefore, Donald Trump is the Heifetz of our time.


I am grateful to Clinton for supporting the arts by inviting the   “Swedish Nightingale,” Jenny Lind, to sing at her castle — with the gracious assistance of P.T.  Barnum, of course. See:


Jenny Lind tour of America, 1850–52,_1850%E2%80%9352

Why I think Bernie Sanders can help me lose weight

I wanted to learn more about Sanders so I googled, “Sanders” and his website:, came right up. As a life-long caregiver for feline refugees (both domestic and feral)  I was especially heartened to see that he understands that the biggest and least understood  threat we face is Cat-Chasing. The fact that he understands that the solution is Obedience Training School is truly good news for  Felinoid-American Solidarity. Then the following thought occurred to me: 

Since Sanders is such an authoritarian, I figure he might do the following:

Now, what with their being several Supreme Court justices up for grabs, I read recently that pornography only came to be legal in the 1960’s? (around the time anti-war dissent became legal) when the Supreme Court ruled that it didn’t come under the obscenity exception to the First Amendment.

Now, I would like the Supreme Court to put this back with the proviso that the worst form of obscenity to be outlawed is the public display of food.  When I walk outside my door, there is food, lasciviously offered to me, every few feet. This should be banned. All restaurants and food should be invisible from the street. Advertising banned. Article  should have key letters struck out of words describing food. Brown paper wrappings only listing ingredients, carbs content, salt, calories, BIG doctor’s warnings. Maybe the name of the dish in tiny letters on the bottom. No pictures, much less samples.  When cartoonists are murdered for portraying images of food, there should be a serious public inner-heart searching as to whether or not freedom of speech should not give way to sympathy for the poor souls from cultures of obesity, and the outlawing of such outrageous fasting-phobic, micro-aggression against their safe-spaces.


Obedience Training and Behavior Modification, including:


Jumping – Barking -Chewing

Cat Chasing

Over Aggressiveness

Biting -Fighting

Personal Protection

Home Protection

Business Protection

Hunting/Duck Dogs

